Any advice provided is general only and may not be right for you. Before making a decision to acquire National Motorcycle Insurance you should read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which contains information that is designed to help you understand the policy so you can decide whether it’s right for you. You can obtain the PDS from our website: nmi Our Authorised Distributors do not advise you on whether the policies meet your specific needs, personal objectives or financial situation, you should read the relevant National Motorcycle Insurance Product Disclosure Statement PDS before deciding. The summary of features and benefits as detailed in this document are not exhaustive and there are terms, conditions, limitations and conditions exclusions that will apply and which are detailed in each Product Disclosure Statement PDS.

National Motorcycle Insurance is a trading brand of NM Insurance Pty Ltd (ABN 34 100 633 038) (AFSL 227186).

About the Insurers: The insurer acts through its agent, NM Insurance Pty Ltd (ABN 34 100 633 038) (AFSL 227186) (NM Insurance). In this document, the insurer acting through their agent, NM Insurance, are referred to as “We”, “Us”, and “Our” and the “Insurer”. Our contact details are: NM Insurance Pty Ltd, Level 5, 50 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Telephone: 02 8920 1157 Facsimile: 02 8920 1275 Email:

About NM Insurance: NM Insurance has been given a binder authority by the Insurer, which allows NM Insurance to enter into this Policy, to administer it and to handle and settle claims made under it, subject to the terms of the binder authority. In doing so NM Insurance acts for the Insurer and not You. NM Insurance’s Australian Financial Services Licence authorises it to provide these services.

Privacy Statement: NM Insurance Pty Ltd, ABN 34 100 633 038, are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). This Privacy Statement outlines how we collect, disclose and handle your personal information (including sensitive information) as defined in the Act. A copy of our Privacy Statement and Privacy Policy can be found at