Feedback & Complaints
Complaint Management Policy – Australia
We strive to provide market leading products and to deliver a consistently high level of service at all times.
We welcome feedback and complaints about our products and services. Here’s what to do if you aren’t happy with our service.
Stage 1 – Tell us about your concern(s)
Get in touch with one of our customer service consultants about your concerns, and they’ll do their best to resolve them. When you do so, please provide as much information as possible – this will help us resolve the matter quickly. If we can’t resolve your concern immediately, we’ll provide you with a response within 15 business days.
Complaints can be made by:
- Emailing:
- Calling: 1300 960 437
Let us know if you need assistance lodging your complaint and we’ll do our best to help you.
Stage 2 – Contact an Internal Dispute Resolution Specialist
If we haven’t responded to your complaint within 15 business days, or you’re not satisfied with how we’ve tried to resolve it, you can ask for your complaint to be escalated for review by an Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) Specialist.
The IDR Specialist that reviews your complaint will be a representative of either NM Insurance or the insurer that underwrites your insurance policy. They may refer the matter to an IDR Committee, but will provide a written response and final decision about your complaint within 15 business days of your escalation (unless you’ve agreed to give them more time).
Contact an IDR Specialist by:
- Emailing:
- Calling: (02) 8920 1157.
Stage 3 – Seek an external review of our decision
If you aren’t happy with our final decision about your complaint, or we’ve taken more than 45 days to respond to you (from the date you first made your complaint), you can contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers. Their decisions are binding on us but not on you. If your complaint doesn’t fall within the AFCA rules you can still exercise any other legal rights you have.
You can contact AFCA by:
- Emailing:
- Calling: 1800 931 678
- Writing to: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
- And through their website at: